Zach, why didn't you mention my Fibonacci sequence observation thingy when the number of contestants was less then 7 or so.

The probability for the most likely contestant was f_n/2^(n-1), where f_n is the nth Fibonacci number... this worked up to about n = 7

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No doubt that's an interesting observation. I suggest using the Comments here to make additional observations and continue the conversation with fellow solvers. I'm never able to write about every interesting detail in every puzzle.

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Bug in my code. Random should have been to 6.

2 Rolls=16742

3 Rolls=7155

4 Rolls=1472

5 Rolls=170

6 Rolls=15

7 Rolls=1

Over 7 Rolls=74445

Didn't change the conclusion.

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2 Rolls=15917

3 Rolls=12056

4 Rolls=3258

5 Rolls=472

6 Rolls=39

7 Rolls=2

Rolls Where Count EXCEEDED 7=68256

public static void main(String[] args) {

int over7 = 0;

for (int r=0; r<100000; r++) {

try {

int rolls = rollDice();



catch (Exception e) {




for (int c=2; c<8; c++) {

System.out.println( c + " Rolls=" + rollCount[c]);


System.out.println( "Over 7 Rolls=" + over7);


private static int rollDice() throws Exception {

int rolls=1;

int sum = diceRoll.nextInt(5)+1;

while (sum !=7 ) {

sum = sum + diceRoll.nextInt(5)+1;

if (sum > 7) throw new Exception("Sum >7");



return rolls;


I didn't see any other place to share this.

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This is one case where a computer is not actually needed. Consider all strings of 7 rolls where the first n add up to 7 for each n from 1 to 7. For instance, when n = 7, the only valid string is 1111111, but when n = 5, possible strings are 11113, 11122,, and all permutations of those, with any two rolls at the end, for 6²×[(5 choose 1) + (5 choose 2)] = 540 valid strings. (Examples of valid strings with n = 5 are 1131166 and 1212121.) Note that each string (valid or invalid) is equally likely, with likelihood 1/6⁷. So the probability for each n=k, given the string was valid, is the number of valid strings with n=k divided by the total number of valid strings with any n from 1 to 7.

So you can actually do it all by hand quite easily. You just might want a calculator for the division at the end, to get a decimal result.

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It is easier for me with a computer these days then by probabilities.

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170935/70813 well ok I guess that means there's no clever way to do it ...

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